Tuesday, May 29, 2007

In My Other Life ...

Years ago, there was a cartoon called the Nebbish (Yiddish for a weak-willed, timid, or ineffectual person). The cartoon was a simple line drawing in a single panel of a blobbish character who sighed a lot and expressed the inner life of only normally achieving people. (I tried to find a sample on-line, but guess no one has put them up.)

In one cartoon, the nebbish is sitting under a street light musing to himself - "I'm waiting for the meek to inherit the earth."

In similar mood, one day, Ziggy (a similar cartoon character) mutters to himself "I like fantasy. You meet a better class of people." Is there, shock horror, a UU who has never felt this way about their own congregation? (Oh, say it ain't so...)

Anywaaaaay, today I'm grooving on imagination. My legs not taking me much of anywhere at the moment, and yelping at me when they do, I am still having a ball. Right now I am surfing the Severn Bore.

For those of you who don't know, the Severn Bore is a marvellous wave created by the combination of the moon's gravitational pull on ocean waters and the sudden forced entry of those waters into the narrow path of the tidal Severn River in Britain. This creates, several times a month, and especially at times of Spring and Fall tides, a wonderful sudden wave - the Severn Bore. As Thomas Harrel wrote in 1824 "The river does not swell by degrees but rolls in ... foaming and roaring as though it were enraged by the opposition which it encounters".

Often as high as six feet (arising from nothing all of a sudden), and surging inland at about 10 miles an hour, there are those who love to surf it. Now you might wonder why I would bother imagining and fantasizing about a miserable little six foot wave, but what if I were to tell you that, in this river magic, you can surf the damned thing as far as five miles inland! Now a five mile surfing wave is something else, amen? Let alone surfing miles from the ocean, whizzing upriver, driven by the pull of the moon, cruising past fields, houses and trees! (As described by Alex Wade in a recent edition of the London Sunday Times.)

You have to be careful. Fall off at the wrong place, and the undertow will make exit from the river nearly impossible. Some surfers plan their exits, getting off at a wide place in the river, jumping in a car, driving upstream to pick the wave up in a narrow place again. But for the experts, world records for the longest wave surfed are regularly set on the Severn.

So that's where I've been today. (While the car has been getting major repairs, I quilted some beautiful stuff, and my leg hurt.) Where have you been today? Got a good fantasy going?


Anonymous said...

Just WOW. I had never heard of the Severn Bore... you have widened my fantastical experience today!

Berrysmom said...

Today was supposed to be a work day for me, but I pretty much blew it off. Tomorrow is supposed to be my day off. Guess I'll be working.

The garden is so drop-dead lovely these days that I can't keep myself inside. Peonies and poppies are bursting with blooms, irises are on the wane, petunias are spreading and blooming wildly, day lilies will be next.

There is nothing like an East coast garden in May!

My fantasy: sit in the garden and knit all day, moving so I can stay in the shade and catch the breeze. Way different from surfing the Severn wave!

Anonymous said...

Does my note count even though it's 2 days later?

so judith, i met with my Union advisor yesterday and we're trying to work out a way for me to get an MA (forget the MDIV). it may be workable. I'm not up to killing myself for this. selfish of me, right?? hmmmm.

I also met with the people from One Spirit Learning Alliance and it looks like I'll be able to do 2 years in 1. so Sept. to June i go 2 weekends a month to 38th st. for classes, group stuff, and deliver papers written during the week. We study the world's religions. then i'm an interfaith minister from them and able to do NY weddings. I like that.

i want to take a James Cone class in systematic theo next fall at UTS. i'm registered and will do some of the reading over the summer. it's intense.

so my need to today instead of tackling the piles of paper, etc. around me is to hear from you. Now you get my imagination rolling and it brings me to lazing around outside and reading at least one of the mannnnyyyyyy UTS books i succombed to buying in the bookstore before it closed. Cultivating Wholeness sounds good.

don't expect a book report later -- may just some love from the east coming your way!! hugs, ange

Anonymous said...

Yep the closest I come to that is a toothpaste add ;-)The fact that people navigate these things never ceases to amaze me, the ultimate BUZZ!

I however have a fantasy life all of my own: I have been around India on an Elephant. Beautiful India: steaming; magical; jewel coloured. The fact that I would in reality contract Delhi Belly in a second, and probably end up acquainting myself with the inside of an Indian hospital (due to a history of bowel ops) adds to the attraction of MIND travel. I have been aided and abetted on my journey by Mark Shand. His book "Travels on my Elephant" is gorgeous. Maybe one day I'll actually get there, but somehow I don't think I'll be able to climb up a real Elephant with the same grace I do now ;-)

That and watching my beautiful daughter pedalling like crazy on the bike, she's just learned to ride, through our sun dappled park keeps me smiling today.

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