But not all is golden
Sorry about the pics being all over the place in my last post -- couldn't get them to move ::sigh::
Meanwhile, not only is grandma not going to see this little jewel at Christmas because of her virus, heart, and nonsense ... but as it happens it's a good thing we're staying put because Beloved noticed his vision deteriorating at the end of last week.
As some of you know, he has two leading to blindness conditions in his only good eye (the other having been hot lasered into oblivion years ago). He has central vein occlusion (blood gets into the eye but can't get out) and Retinal Angiomatous Proliferation. The latter used to be blindness in three months, but new treatments can eke out two years or so. He has been a poster child however, and has now been three years and five months -- so I suppose he was "due".
Luckily the retinal specialists here are great, saw him immediately, and began treatment - which consists first of an injection of steroids into his eyeball (are you wincing yet?!), and, a week later, a very sophisticated treatment involving an extremely light sensitive dye and a cold laser. He then has to stay indoors for five days - even one minute of winter sunlight would be third degree burns, since the dye goes through his whole body, not just his eyes.
Fascinating, what you learn about the body as you age!
So now we've two not so lovely reasons to not see any of our three sons, two daughters-in-law, and four grandchildren for Christmas. Yuck.
On the bright side, I get to do a child dedication as part of the Christmas Eve service tomorrow. Love that.
Judith, it's so great to find you out here in the blogosphere. I am enjoying Jubilata and thinking fondly of times spent in beautiful New Mexico.
I do hope Your Beloved successfully completes his eye treatments without mishap and that you will soon have a chance to visit your children and their families, especially those grandkids.
And enjoy that child dedication service--------tonight is the first one my Whidbey folks have ever had, and we're welcoming 8 children!
Wow! Now that can really get the grandmother hormones going!
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